A chance to get some likely images of a famliy which hasn’t been together for a while is a no brainer……it is your obligation as a person who is remotely interested in taking photos to capture this moment!
So as you can tell this moment presented it self to me….and I tookup the challenge. I had some loctaions in mind, but one stood out. I had been their previously but hadn’t explored its full potenial. The wheather on the day was overcast and spots of rain were appearing, this is usual a sign to packup and come back another day…..BUT this is actually a great time to get some shots! The cloud cover is your most valuable asset when doing portriats, you are not limited to just the goldern and blue hours (morning and afternoon times) but midday is now a option! No need to seek shade…..just wait for them clouds to do there work!
Now as I was saying I’d be here once before and really hadn’t taken in its full potential! This time around I wasn’t overcome by the surroundings and really looked at the lighting and composition. I had a group of four people and needed to arrange them into the scene. I’ve found the walking tracks to be natural backdrops as they create a natural frame aournd the subject(s) as seen this photo here.
And as you can see the light is nice and soft, no nasty shadows….gotta love them clouds!